Coyotes, Tarantulas, Scorpions, rattle snakes and a whole lotta critters. Oh and heat that hits you like a wall when you go out.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Now that E3 is over I can finally take some time to sort out the pict's I took and go thru the pile of press releases and EPK''s. I'll update when I'm done goin over em.
PS3 comes in 3's Hands down a beautiful platform. Sorry MS, looks like Sony wins round 2.
The Xbox 360 wireless controller. Um is that a green boil in the middle?
Xbox remote. More Multimedia functionality.
Another Xbox 360 shot
My personal pick for best booth babe.
Gizmondo... Ummm they had a really nice booth... Considering how much this bloody device costs it had a cheap feel, um the game was boring. I played with it for around 5 seconds then left.
DnD online! This game looks really interesting. I gave it a try at the Atari booth. The world is lush and the game play intuitive. Sweet!
Link n ME!
Ahhh, E3 is over...
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Pinay hooters chick!
E3 Rules!
misc 3rd party gear
Eye Toy 2 yoga demo????
Mike n' Me! West Coast Customs Hummmeeee with intel inside!
3 PS3's
GB Micro! So Cute!
Xbox 360
Crashed the Gametap party!
exclusive intel parteeee
The latest game platforms in E3
These are really down and dirty posts so forgive me! Its the last day and I have so much left to see!