Friday, June 27, 2008

All Hail CDR-King, lord of the OEMs

CDR-King provider of cheap gadget goodness to all it's minions. I went ape $4!T at CD-R King recently buying every single type of "UrangoPOD" available. If you have a small digital camera and don't want to be hassled by a tripod these are a must have.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

16GB of juicy fruity goodness for PHP2500!


Surprisingly, I had an afternoon to spare and even more surprising I had some cash in my pockets. So I decided to go to Gilmore to go a gadget hunting. Sadly, there wasn't anything new, actually there were less cool goodies then my last visit a few months back. Being slightly disappointed I decided to go to CDR-King to pick up some cheap knick knacks. Then I heard my significantly geeky other scream a YIP of delight. Grace had found something truly kick a$$. A 16GB thumbdrive for only PHP2500. WOOT!
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We Bikers are a strange breed spending alot of hard earned money for pieces of cloth that wraps around our head to protect our helmets from sweat and our faces from fumes. For a piece of cloth which magically has no end I have spent over 700 bucks. Yes I am a sucker. But now I have found a little shop in greenhills selling em for 60 bucks.


Hombres I got something for you and you'll never guess what it is!
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While playing around with my multiply account I accidentally imported every single post I have ever written. It's a good thing I rarely post. Please forgive this multiply newbie.